Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here Comes the VAt

Yes, the European style national sales tax that politicians love. What happened to not raising taxes on "working people?" The White House feigns no support, wait and see. How else will they fund the European style health care that I think is inevitable

Disappointed in Georgia Tea Party Leader

For the last several weeks the leaders of the Tea Party in Georgia have been sending numerous emails soliciting volunteers and attendees to a big tax rally in Atlanta. Here is a section of one of those posts:

***"FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH still many here insist on calling the Kenyan usurper "President", and thereby defiling all of the sacrifices of our Founding Fathers and of our brave fallen heroes"***

Here was my response:

***"Hi, I appreciate your passion and respect and support your goals, but I suggest being a bit careful with some of the language. I am a communication professor and those words could be used to harm the cause, just my thoughts"***

I thought my post to this person polite. Since I sent that post I have not received a reply, nor have I received one single email from the listserv, so, I guess I have been removed. This is very disappointing to me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tea Party Movement Attacks

For months, the left-politicians, Hollywood types, and left wing media have demonized the TPM as comprised of angry, irrational, and racist radicals. Angry? Yes! But this anger lay simmering for several years and began to boil in the summer 2008 and boiled over in fall 2008 when Bush et al. bailed out banks, but some Wall Street gamblers. then, Pelosi's wild spending, labeled as "stimulus" raised the ire even further.
Tea Party members are angry, and not just at Democrats, they also hold Republicans responsible for their reckless and irresponsible spending during Bush + a GOP Congress.

But who belongs to the TPM? Is it who the left demonizes? Not really, Gallup disproves that

Will Ken McKay's resignation satisfy big dollar GOP donors?

Michael Steele's Chief of Staff resigns in part due to the spending scandal at a risque night club with a bondage theme. Will Steele survive? The GOP has a real quandary: running as a "family values" party sits pretty well with much of the electorate, but that also requires that the face of the GOP abide by those same values. When an RNC staffer blows $2,000 on a club, why would donors wit deep pockets pony up? There were already criticisms of four star hotels and lavish dinners by the leadership. Steele may survive, but, regardless, it hurts the GOP at the time it is having trouble getting traction against a Democratic Congress with abyssmal approval ratings and a president whom Rasmussne reports 42% of the public strongly disapproves of his the job he is doing.

AP article on Tea Party Movement

Here is a good AP article which I think sums up the TPM pretty well.

Economics today

This is my first post on my blog. I plan on addressing primarily economic issues from a conservative, but non-partisan, viewpoint. I was at the 9/12 rally in D.C. on September 12, 2009 and was impressed with the knowledge of the member of the Tea Party Movement.

There were two common themes: 1. They have never been involved in a protest or movement before; 2. They are concerned about the debt being given to their children and grandchildren. More later...