Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Disappointed in Georgia Tea Party Leader

For the last several weeks the leaders of the Tea Party in Georgia have been sending numerous emails soliciting volunteers and attendees to a big tax rally in Atlanta. Here is a section of one of those posts:

***"FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH still many here insist on calling the Kenyan usurper "President", and thereby defiling all of the sacrifices of our Founding Fathers and of our brave fallen heroes"***

Here was my response:

***"Hi, I appreciate your passion and respect and support your goals, but I suggest being a bit careful with some of the language. I am a communication professor and those words could be used to harm the cause, just my thoughts"***

I thought my post to this person polite. Since I sent that post I have not received a reply, nor have I received one single email from the listserv, so, I guess I have been removed. This is very disappointing to me.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you advised that Georgia Tea Party Leader to be more careful. If people want to be heard, they need to influence others through the content of their message, not by using demeaning language! Glad you are on the web Doc!
